Adam Sandler's Opera Man Takes On Old Guys Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders — And Donald Trump

The character gives a heads up to Biden: "To win White House you need to bang porn star-o."

Adam Sandler resurrected Opera Man on “Saturday Night Live” to skewer the old guys of politics: President Donald Trump, former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Donning a cape, a page-boy black wig, a tortured Italian accent and bad singing on “Weekend Update,” Sandler crooned about the none-too-enviable turnover rate that marks that current White House administration: “Trumpa dumpa. Trumpa dumpa. I play-a the golf. And they take-a the fall ... I get to make-a The Wall. And Putin make me his beetch.”

After a series of shots of Biden touching or hugging women — or talking too closely to them — Opera Man’s lyric took a dig at both him and Trump: “Gropa gropa, sniffa sniffa, young or old-a, make no diffa. Joe, for this you won’t go far-o. To win White House you need to bang porn star-o.” With that, a photo of Stormy Daniels appeared.

As for Attorney General William Barr, Opera Man couldn’t help wondering about his decision to not show up for a congressional hearing last week: “Where did Barr go? He did not show. Check every single Wendy’s.”

There are also lyrics touching upon the Kentucky Derby, “Game of Thrones” and Charlize Theron. Check it out in the clip up top.

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