Seth Meyers Brutally Sums Up What Donald Trump Jr. Isn't Good For

The "Late Night" host roasted the president's eldest son, who was subpoenaed by a Senate committee to testify about involvement with Russia.

Seth Meyers skewered Donald Trump Jr. on Thursday after he was subpoenaed by a Senate committee to testify about his dealings with Russia.

The GOP-led Intelligence Committee’s subpoena of the young Trump to discuss testimony he gave to the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2017 prompted President Donald Trump to defend him.

The president called his son “a very good person” and told an anecdote about when Junior approached him as he pondered a run for the presidency.

“Dad, if I can help, let me know. It’s not my expertise,” the president quoted his son as saying.

“Here’s my question,” Meyers said. “What is his expertise?”

“Because it’s definitely not business, politics, speaking, spelling, writing or standing.”

The takedown on Meyers’ “Late Night” continued.

Watch the entire segment above, or fast forward to 4:53 for the part about Trump Jr.

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