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Toronto limousine driver sues Justin Bieber

The driver who says Justin Bieber punched him repeatedly in the head is now suing the Canadian pop star.

5 min read

Justin Bieber, 21, was charged with assault in an alleged attack on a limo driver in Toronto in December 2013, but the criminal charges were later withdrawn. Now Abdul Mohar, 34, the limo driver who alleges he was assaulted, is asking $850,000 in damages and a court order preventing Bieber from coming within 100 metres of him.

The SUV limousine driver who says Justin Bieber repeatedly punched him in the head nearly one-and-a-half years ago is now suing the Canadian pop star.

Abdul Mohar, 34, is asking for $850,000 in damages and a court order preventing Bieber from coming within 100 metres of him, according to documents filed in court Friday.

Jayme Poisson
Jayme Poisson
Jayme Poisson is a former investigative reporter for the Star. She has been nominated for three national newspaper awards, was part of a team that won the Governor General's Michener award for investigating former mayor Rob Ford and also part of team that won the Sydney Hillman award for public service journalism for reporting on sexual assault. She was the 2016 recipient of the Canadian Journalism Foundation's Greg Clark Award, which allowed her to study access-to-information laws in Canada, and completed the 2018 Stigler Center Journalist in Residence Program at Chicago Booth Stigler Center for the Study of the Economy and the State.

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